Capricorn represents integrity and diligence to me. The Full Moon is the culmination of a lunar cycle which began two weeks ago at the Gemini New Moon. Do you remember what you were thinking or dreaming about, or what you wished for at that time? Now is the time we see what we have planted. We may also be seeing what we planted long, long ago reaching for the sky; Nurtured by our diligence and integrity and firmly taking root now.
The Full Moon name that really stands out for me is Thunder Moon. Last Thursday I mentioned to somebody that I keep thinking about Thursday being named after the God of Thunder and Thor, but I don't know why. After the Venus and Jupiter conjunction (the so called bright star of Bethlehem, exact at 21 Leo 37, less than 24 hours before this Full Moon) and the fact that the Full Moon falls on a Thursday this month, and Jupiter also rules Thursday, I am seeing a bigger picture. This bigger picture has a deeper personal meaning which I will share because lessons are archetypal in nature so may be relevant for others.
The Jupiter/Venus conjunction fell within a degree of my natal Moon which is both my chart ruler and in my first house. For anybody not in the astro know, this is a strong lunar placement. On top of that, my natal Moon is the focal planet of a Thor's Hammer, a lesser known astrological alignment I was taught by my astrology teacher, the late Parampara Hughes. Jupiter and Mercury are the other two planets involved in my natal Thor's hammer planetary alignment which involves two sesquisquares and a square. In Mythology, Thor was given a powerful and magical Hammer. The Hammer was created for a greater god than Thor, so Thor needed an iron glove so the hammer did not destroy him.
Without going into any more personal stories, I relate to Thor in that I feel I have been given something made for somebody with more knowledge, wisdom and better boundaries than me; A gift that feels more like a burden than a gift most of the time; A gift which I have worked hard to become worthy of; A gift which has nearly destroyed parts of me, many times. It often destroys my peace of mind and sometimes it has felt like it could destroy me altogether. Perhaps you can relate?
I am reminded of a quote that from memory was said by Jesus in the Gnostic Gospels, "If we bring forth what is within us, what we bring forth shall save us. If we do not bring forth what is within us, what we do not bring forth shall destroy us." I have been trying to bring forth what is within me, but the gift my "hammer" brings me and my innate nature has made this extremely challenging. It has felt like I will be destroyed if I do bring forth what is within as well as if I do not. Until now. I feel I am being gifted with my iron glove, finally. Thank you Venus and Jupiter, and thank you Moon and Sun (Leo's ruler)
This lovely Venus/Jupiter alignment has brought something for everyone, both personal and in the collective, but we must take our gift, choose it, be grateful for it, acknowledge it, be worthy of it and be humble or we risk being flattened by the energies. The energies have been powerful. The energies have felt amazing, but they are also shifting things so there have been MANY challenging moments too. This will continue. A friend just told me she is feeling waves of energy coming in very powerfully. Two days ago the Heart Of AN Activation took place in the Sacred Valley, Peru. These energies are permeating everything. We will never be the same again. Onward ANd Heavenwards!!!
What gifts of unity, creativity, love, abundance and good fortune can you see? What fruits of diligence and integrity are making themselves known to you? Enjoy and treasure them. They are your precious pearls.