Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Scorpio Full Moon - 6th May, 2012

"I feel"... says it all really! How can you not feel when there is a full moon in Scorpio this close to the Earth?

For the last few weeks I have been very aware of travelling through a very tiny point of light with this sense that only what is in alignment with my true essence, my heart of hearts, my core being is able to come through with me. I have seen and experienced this point many times, over many years, in many different ways.

I have experienced sensations of travelling through it as though with my body, some 40 years into the future. I remember clearly the intensity that felt beyond anything I can describe except by likening it to that point of nearly unbearable G-force when you are on the brink of losing consciousness.

I feel I come from the other side of this point, and I travel between here and there in my light being with ease (perhaps that is one of the places we all travel to in our dreams), but we are attempting to bring our whole being, the physical included, through this "eye of a needle." WOW!!!

The thing is, and it is something that my experiences of this Scorpio Super Full Moon has demonstarted very clearly and very loudly...We can't take our "stuff" with us!!!

We humans are very attached to our "stuff." We carry it through lifetime after lifetime. We are dragging around volumes of stories, belief systems, thoughts, emotions....but it has to go, or at least put released from our thoghts and experience!

Yesterday I lay in bed feeling very peaceful and blissed out. After a little while familiar thought and emotional patterns crept into my awareness. I then experienced in flashes of insight the ways in which I have forced back down these emotions and thoughts. Next thing I was gutted like a fish energetically and the undigested energetic contents of my stomach were emptied into my awareness! Ughhhh not comfortable at all!!!

If I had known that was coming I would have expected it to be very painful, but it wasn't. In the past when I experienced a moment of facing my stuff, I usually went into fear, but I didn't. Instead I lay there and allowed myself to experience it, and I consciously watched it transmute, but that was my old "stuff." I expected the day to be pleasant, as I was feeling much lighter, but it wasn't!

Very old and long ago forgotten memories and connections made themselves known and I was fully immersed in the challenges of now. I could see how the forgotten long ago and the now are woven together tightly, and I spent an uncomfortable day crying with the emotional intensity and trying to think my way out of things.

Deep down I knew that thinking only created more "stuff." It doesn't matter what is going on, how confusing, upsetting and worrying it is. It doesn't matter how fearful, angry, anxious and despairing you are feeling. No matter what your story is, no matter what you have been through, what you have done, there is only one way through.

Finding your centre, your essence, your core being, your heart, your peace, is the only way forward and the only way through. They all mean the same thing. They are all in, and of, Pure Love. Love is the miracle of our healing, the only way through this gauntlet of Now, how to let go of the past, the way to ride the rollercoaster, the wild waves, the stormy emotional weather, and how to deal with the physical world and everyone in it!

You can "if" and "but" all you like, but there is no way around it. It's through in Pure Love awareness, with no mind to the stuff, or not at all! Pay no mind to the "stuff" and forget your past stories and they lose their power. It's like water off a duck's back if you persist and keep coming back to your centre. On the other side of the point is a higher vibrating dimension where Love is all in experience.

This Love experience is available to us here too, but we are challenged by heavier deeply entrenched patterns...

As we align to the Pure Love Vibration (that is Oneness and who we really are) our journey becomes more comfortable, even pleasurable, we experience more and more expanded states of our being, and we come to appreciate the joys and virtues of the physical, our bodies, our natural world, the cosmos, our heritage!

In this State of Love and Gratitude we are one with the "eye of the needle" through which we are travelling (like it or not) and one with the expanded Pure Love Dimensions that are our heritage, our past, our future, and if we allow it, our present.

In Pure Love there is no time, there is only One, and there is only Now.

So thank you divine cosmos for holding the perfect energetic vibration required for our awakening and transformation on all levels! Thank you Scorpio for your intensity and drive to explore ever deeper, Taurus for your lessons in appreciating the physical and the moment, and the Moon for your cycle which stirs and transforms our emotions, and your rulership of our stomach, which digests both what we eat and what we experience!

Next we have the eclipse series to look forward to... LOVE.

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