Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Shake It Off: Last Quarter Moon and Mercury Direct: 12th February, 2015
Last Quarter Moon: Aquarius Sun Square Scorpio Moon (23°) at 3:48am GMT/UT
Mercury Direct 2:57pm GMT/UT
The last quarter moon is energetically and/or physically categorized by the breakdown and decomposition of old and useless forms. According to Demetra George "at the Last Quarter Phase the life impulse has completed its mission, and now begins to reorient to a dimly intuited future."
The last New Moon, an Aquarius New Moon was on 20th January, 2015. Consciously or unconsciously the New Moon precipitates a creation cycle which culminates at the Full Moon. Creations which will not bare fruit are reviewed after the Full Moon and begin being broken down at the Last Quarter Moon. An opportunity for new creations and the building upon of older creations which still have potential to bare fruit comes with each New Moon.
As the Last Quarter Moon square approaches a push for resolution and completion of projects can be felt. For some this is a tense time. Many will feel themselves digging their heels in as they fight for what they wish to still realize. For others the falling away of old ideas and dreams can be felt.
In many ways mental and emotional energy can be felt churning deep within, chipping away below the conscious, sorting and clearing. Bursts of insight may come. Mercury retrograde has had us in review-mode for the last three weeks. We have possibly been confronted by a few communication challenges as well. As Mercury starts moving forward again and the New Moon approaches there will be great potential for further insights which have largely been fueled by processing we may not have been aware we were doing.
These insights will be in perfect time to set intentions and make wishes at the second Aquarius New Moon on 19th February, 2015. A second New Moon in any sign is not a frequent occurrence. It is a second chance to gain insight and clarity over themes of the last month or so, and set right and true intentions for the following New Moon.
The following New Moon, a Total Solar Eclipse, falls on the last degree of the zodiac, 29° Pisces, on 20th March, 2015. The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse occurs just over 12 hours before the March Equinox, when the Sun moves into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This is a very powerful ending and beginning overlap period which heralds what many western astrologers call the beginning of the Astrological Year. The First New Moon in Aries, this year on April 18th, is also regarded by some as the beginning of the astrological year. Exciting times!!!
Alignment has been a key theme for a while. Many have had strong recent experiences of themselves across multiple dimensions. For some it has felt more like experiencing, across parallel realities and timelines, multidimensional selves that feel very real but may also feel very wrong and out of alignment with who we feel ourselves to be.
It is like every outlying thought and emotion we've ever had through eons of time and untold lifetimes, as well as the beliefs and judgement others have and have had about us, have created multiple and sometimes fragmented versions of ourselves. These are now accessible as never before. Many of these versions of ourselves feel completely out of alignment with who we really are. No doubt we agreed to this experience on some level, but now it is possible to shut down any versions of ourselves that feel wrong.
Some of these multidimensional versions of ourselves and parallel dimensions are completely unnecessary and draining. As we become aware of these multiple versions, we can decide whether to embody them or to dissolve them. We are being delivered into a space where we can lay down and embody our chosen version of ourselves, with complete awareness and authority, without obstacle or limitation, once and for all. This may mean saying goodbye to dreams and people who wish to hold us to the old and wrong versions of ourselves.
The way back to choosing the versions of ourselves which feel both right and true, rather than feeling fractured and "wrong," is through our physical body. Paying closer attention to feelings in our bodies and identifying the "wrong" over-emotional and nonsensical thoughts is key.
As a friend said to me recently, though perhaps in another context, "It is real if you choose it to be."
We really don't need all that baggage and letting it go has never been easier. It is simply a matter of thinking and believing that an experience of our self does not have to be real if we no longer choose that experience.
I feel like I am shutting down far more than I am choosing of late and feeling better than I have for a long time. Yipee!!
Soon there need be only one version. This is a true new beginning, and yet perhaps the continuation of our most ancient but truest self; our eternal being embodied in the physical, in the forever now.
Another theme, which is related, is the challenge of "Other People's Stuff" or OPS.
I had a dream a couple of days ago that clearly illustrated what I needed to understand about OPS:
I stood facing an empty Olympic-sized swimming pool. There was a presence with me I shall call the "pool master." I wanted to swim some laps.
The pool master asked which lane I would like to swim in. I looked for lane 9 (my main numerology number) but there were only 8 lanes.
I felt very indecisive, as I have the last few years. The pool was starting to fill up with swimmers. I started to stress-out and asked the pool master to choose a lane for me, one where I could best serve.
Next thing I was before lane 1. Oh no, I should have said any lane except 1 and 8, because both had felt challenging as I wondered which lane to choose (I was born in a 1 year and my second numerology number is 8 which is interesting to me, but I digress).
As I climbed into the pool a swimmer was coming at me in lane 1. She seemed worked up and it quickly become apparent that she wanted to be number 1. I was a faster swimmer but she refused to let me pass her.
After a few laps of extreme frustration I stopped her and asked, "did you just see me and want to beat me without knowing who I am and how fast I can swim? Do you need to be number 1. at all costs?" She smiled and said yes. There was no malice, just her truth.
I instantly decided that I couldn't stay in a lane where I was being held back and prevented from swimming at my pace, but all the other lanes were jam packed. For a moment I felt very disappointed with what my indecision had manifested. Then I remembered there was another pool. Turned out I knew this complex well. It was the landscape of many dreams, and besides, I didn't even have to swim. I could do what ever I wanted.
As I turned away from the pool a fight broke out between the competitor and the swimmers around her. Not my fight, not my stuff, I thought. OPS!!! With none of the guilt and responsibility I used to feel about experiencing OPS, I simply walked away.
As I write I feel a song coming on. Actually it is a track on a CD my children have been playing the last week: Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. It has become my week's ear worm and after writing this blog, my mantra. No matter what you do the player is gonna play, the hater is going to hate but we can all choose to "shake shake, shake, shake it off, SHAKE IT OFF!!!
We all have an opportunity to self-define, to lay down our truth first from an inner authority, to dissolve what we feel is untrue and will not bare fruit, and to remove ourselves from the restrictions of OPS.
For the first time in a long time, I feel excited!!!
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