been an inexplicable week in many ways with a few more obvious and physical
“symptoms” coming up for review and release/healing The other main thing I have
observed has been lack of self-worth issues, and on the other end of the
spectrum, entitlement issues.
The Sun
is in Taurus and the Moon is in Leo when the First Quarter square is exact at
11:55 pm/23:55 UT/GMT, Saturday 25th April. Taurus and Leo are both
fixed signs, and in Medical Astrology, conditions tend to be physical and often
chronic. The other fixed signs are Scorpio and Aquarius.
I first
noticed nose/sinus and eye issues at the Aries New Moon last week and since I
have had issue with my tongue and speech, have noticed a few strange heart
flutters and have an itchy red rash right over my thymus gland. About half an
hour ago I fell over and hurt my neck playing soccer with my son who twisted
his ankle just after that, and my large intestine is feeling really heavy as I
write. Aries rules inflammation (rashes) and both the sinus and eyes, Leo rules
the heart and the thymus gland, Scorpio rules the bowels, Aquarius rules the
ankles and Taurus rules the neck.
seems the body parts ruled by the particular signs the Moon has been in, or
will be in, at key times this Lunar cycle are being clearly brought into my
awareness . The last New Moon was in Aries, the First Quarter Moon is in Leo.
The Full Moon on the 4th May will be in Scorpio, the Last Quarter
Moon on 11th May will be in Aquarius, and the next New Moon on 18th
May will be in Taurus.
In Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) the tongue is the sense organ for the Fire Element
(Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and Triple Heater meridians) and the nose
is the sense organ for the Metal Element (Lung/Large Intestine Meridians). In
simple terms, the Heart’s psychological/emotional function in TCM is related to
vitality and the spirit of living and enthusiasm. Our capacity to experience
joy, love, forgiveness, self-love and process sadness are all related to the
Heart. The psychological/emotional function of the Lungs is the capacity to let
go, be flexible and to process and release grief.
and entitlement issues are Leo themes. Leo often looks outside self for
validation and needs can be like a bottomless pit which cannot be met, no
matter how much validation and reassurance is given, until the root issues are
worked through or at least acknowledged. The same is true for entitlement issues.
Those with entitlement issues also have an insatiable need to be validated but
demand it in a more aggressive or diva-like manner.
it all together we are being shown physically any remaining emotional blocks
and unresolved issues. I can never be sure how much of my experience is purely
personal and how much is also a reflection of the collective but I’m going to
write as if my experience is collective.
is a loyal sign, but once hurt deeply, forgiveness or letting go is difficult.
Leo, when hurt deeply, closes their heart and the energy drops into the solar
plexus creating a neediness that may as well be an abyss. However, with a
little self-awareness and inner work, little miracles are possible in these
times. A little work or a little insight goes a long, long way. Big shifts are easily
possible now, whereas before big shifts felt like they came only after an
immense amount of work. Less is more, literally.
I was
chatting to a friend yesterday about all manner of things and one of the
conversation’s pearls was: “It’s time to know that when you open your heart,
you will be nourished and you will flourish!” (Sandra). Our heart’s true wishes
are within our grasp, we only have to be open to receive.
First quarter Moon is not called “crisis in action” for nothing. Listen to the
body now, if it is drawing attention to issues that need to be resolved, healed
or released, and the fruits of our labour and inner work will be evident at
Full Moon in a week, or we will at the very least glimpse coming expanded
possibilities. If we have been putting off a trip to the doctor/therapist for a
health issue, avoiding a conversation that needs to be had, or avoiding
anything that is unresolved that we are aware of, now is the time to act. We
are worth it, every single one of us!
I saw a
post on FB the other day about us all having been given a clean slate. I
recently pulled the blank rune three times in a row. We are at a point where
everything is possible, as I discussed in my last two New Moon blog entries.
However, any unresolved issues that are being brought into our awareness now, which
we choose to ignore, risk leading to us sabotaging our dreams and wishes,
visions and inspirations all too easily because we are more powerfully creative
now, than ever. Releasing any emotional blocks evident in our bodies now will
help ground not only our heart’s true wish, but more of our expanded being into
our awareness as well.
go for it! Let’s release all that pent up sadness and grief, caused by
lifetimes of disappointment and hurt. This is the lifetime of dreams come
true!!! This is the lifetime of living the value of our worth as well as
honouring each other.
dance!!! Let’s create the world of our dreams, our heaven on Earth!!!
love, love!!!!!!!!!!!
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