Monday, 8 June 2015

Don’t Mess With My Mojo: Last Quarter Moon In Pisces, Mars in Gemini and Mercury Direct.

The Last Quarter Moon is exact on 9th June at 3:40pm/15:40 UT/GMT. Mercury swings back around this week. This should alleviate any communication/miscommunication issues including wifi problems which I've experienced the last few weeks. Mercury stations on 10th June and goes direct on the 12th at 10:33pm/22:33 UT/GMT. Mars is in play too. Mars is transiting Gemini, like Mercury, and is conjunct the Gemini Sun and squaring the Pisces Moon at this Last Quarter Moon.
It has been another fascinating week, albeit a challenging one personally. There are a number of themes that have been brought to my attention and I really don’t know what to focus on so I’m going to start with Mars in Gemini.

I read somewhere recently that Mars in Gemini is stubborn. I certainly feel like digging my heels in on a few things today. I mean digging them in so that nothing and nobody can move me anywhere I don’t choose to go. And yet it feels as though some force has been doing everything in its power to try and bend me, shape me, and mold me against my will. I keep thinking I’ve broken free and then it seems to find a new way to hunt me down, limit me and de-energize me. This is what I have to say on the matter: Don’t mess with my mojo!!!

Originally the word mojo means a charm or a spell but now it is more commonly said to mean sex appeal or talent. The definition of mojo in the Cambridge English Dictionary is “a quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy.”

Pisces is the zodiac’s chameleon, Gemini is the “jack of all trades,” and Mars rules sex appeal and energy and therefore our mojo. We can be whatever we want and try a few things on for size right now I reckon, especially in these last couple days with mercury retrograde! Why limit ourselves to what we have become? Gemini has a Peter Pan quality and with the Sun, Mercury and Mars transiting through Gemini, why not allow ourselves the fun and freedom we had in younger years, exploring new ways of being and setting new possibilities fearlessly ablaze?

If you are going through the same thing as me, dormant parts of self are rising from deep within and unexpectedly springing to life. The restrictive controlling forces that I have experienced and observed this week have aroused my inner rebel, and as I said above, I’m digging in my heels. I’ll shift and change, but I’ll do it on my terms. I’ll do it my way!!

It’s been a bit of an exhausting week really. I’ve felt scattered and like I was in the next room or the next universe in more than a few moments, but now I’m focused on calling back the scattered parts of myself. I’m calling my mojo back home and I have no intention of letting it dissipate again. I feel this will continue as a process as the Sun, Mercury and Mars move through the rest of Gemini, into Cancer, and beyond!
I don’t want to get into the whole duality light versus dark thing but I do feel it is important to work towards taking conscious and full possession of our energy and thoughts while aligning ourselves with what brings us peace and keeps us present and mindful; Now more than ever. I love expanding and exploring and feeling like I’m going where Angels fear to tread, but I feel time and energy is best spent, for the next little while at least, becoming as solid, present and peaceful as possible. We need to fill the spaces in-between the space we inhabit, if that makes any sense. Yes do it with fun and believe in the limitlessness of our beings but don’t sparkle with the stars unless we also have our feet firmly on the ground, unless we are firmly in our bodies. Spaces will be filled. We want to choose the space-fillers with as much awareness as possible.

The burden of our responsibilities may be felt greatly at this time. Perhaps we no longer need to be burdened by some of our perceived responsibilities. Really, we are only responsible for ourselves and our children, while they are children. Some of us are overly responsible and therefore overly burdened. I dreamt I was carrying around two large heavy wooden wardrobes the other night. Everywhere I went the wardrobes came too. It was exhausting, carrying them, finding a place to put them... I quickly realized one of the wardrobes does not belong to me and I began working towards off-loading it while processing the contents of the other. Turns out that the other wardrobe isn’t all mine either. My digestion was poor for a few days but has continued to improve since as I digest, process, and let go… Carting around these wardrobes has definitely been a major mojo-drainer and the discovery of this has been both interesting and unexpected! May the unburdening continue!!!

Next week is the Gemini New Moon. We may observe the deconstruction of old parts of ourselves and our dreams leading up to the New Moon. We may also gain insight and feel inspired by what is being deconstructed and/or what is being, or can be, created and constructed. Some of us may wish to be quiet, secluded and still during the balsamic or dark Moon phase that is the few days before the New Moon. This is a powerful time that renews and rejuvenates us for the next Lunar Phase.

These are amazing times. They may feel like heavy, dark and challenging times, but they are also full of beautiful possibilities and unfolding wonders; For eyes that can see; For ears that can hear... We may need to remind ourselves of the beauty and possibility constantly. We may frequently doubt it because it is not our current experience, but we must not give up. We need to find practices that bring us back to peace and thinking of beautiful possibilities. Mindfulness, meditation, gratitude practices, dancing, spending time with kids and spending time in nature are some tried and tested ways for many many of people. These things may not appeal to you. That’s fine. Find what does bring peace and grounding and do it often. We need all the gratitude, peace and presence of mind, body and spirit we can create.

Let there be peace, grounding and gratitude. Over and out, for now! LOVE!!!

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